ZydeCash Savings
annual percentage yield* (APY)
Access online banking*
ZydeCash SM Savings from JD Bankwill have you two-steppin’ all the way home! The ZydeCash Savings account currently earns 0.50% APY* on balances up to $30,000.
No longer is there the need for a qualification calendar! Transactions must post and settle on the last day of your Zydecash Checking statement cycle and your interest will be paid to your Zydecash Savings that night! Zydecash has two statement cycle dates-the 2nd Wednesday and the 4th Wednesday of each month.

mobile wallet

online banking

free debit
TO $30,000.
To earn 0.50% APY*, you must be enrolled for eStatement notices and online banking and meet the following transaction targets each monthly qualification cycle on your ZYDECASHSM CHECKING account:
- Have at least 10 debit card purchases withdrawn from account
- Have at least one (1) direct deposit or automatic payment.
- Receive eStatement notices.
- Access online banking.**
- Minimum of $25 to open account.
- 0.50% APY* on balances up to $30,000, AND
- 0.15% APY* on balances over $30,000 when ZydeCash Checking qualifications
are met. - 0.05% APY* on full balances (if ZydeCash Checking qualifications are not met).
- Refunds on ATM fees nationwide*
(See disclaimer for details). - No monthly service fees**. If you don’t have a savings account with us, come by any of the 23 Full-Service JD BANK branch locations or give us a call and we will help you open one.
*Minimum to open account is $25 for ZydeCashSM Checking and $25 for ZydeCashSM Savings. Annual Percentage Yield (APY) accurate as of 04/11/2023. ZydeCash Checking rate tiers are as follows: 2.50% APY applies to balances of $0.01-$10,000 and 0.15% APY applies to balances over $10,000 if qualifications are met during monthly qualification cycle. 0.05% APY applies to all balances if qualifications are not met. All balances will earn 2.50% APY – 0.15% APY if qualifications are met. The advertised ZydeCash Checking APY is based on compounding interest. The interest earned in ZydeCash Checking is automatically transferred to ZydeCash Savings each statement cycle and does not compound. The actual interest paid may be less than the advertised APY. The ZydeCash Savings APYs may be less than the ZydeCash Checking APYs. ZydeCash Savings rate tiers are as follows: 0.50% APY applies to balances of $0.01-$30,000 and 0.15% APY applies to balances over $30,000 if qualifications are met during monthly qualification cycle on ZydeCash Checking. 0.05% APY applies to all balances if qualifications are not met on ZydeCash Checking. All balances will earn 0.50% APY – 0.15% APY if qualifications are met on ZydeCash Checking. Qualifying transactions must post and settle in ZydeCash Checking during monthly qualification cycle. Transactions may take one or more banking days from transaction date to post to an account. Intra-bank transfers do not count as qualifying transactions. ATM-processed transactions do not count as debit card transactions. Rates are subject to change without notice after account is opened. Fees may reduce earnings. ATM fees for our ZydeCash Checking accounts will be refunded up to $25 per qualification cycle provided all qualifications are met within the monthly qualification cycle. Limited to one account per social security number. **Overdraft and returned item fees may apply. **Carrier charges may apply. ZydeCashSM is a Service Mark of JD Bancshares. Member FDIC.