Mobile Banking
Download the appropriate Mobile APP for your smartphone from either the GOOGLE Play Store, or the APPLE App Store.

Mobile Banking from JD Bank is a convenient, smartphone enabled platform that provides you with an easy and secure way to manage your account, from wherever you might be. The world is your new branch.
Mobile Banking Features

Mobile Deposit
Need to deposit a check on the spot without running to a branch? With the JD Bank Mobile app, you can make mobile deposits anytime, anywhere.

Instant Balance
Want to do a quick check on your balance? The JD Bank Mobile app home screen offers you the option to a quick check of your balances without having to login.

Use the latest technology, from facial recognition, fingerprint or user / password sign-in, the JD Bank Mobile app takes your security, seriously.

Control Your Card
Leave your card in a restaurant? Traveling and want to secure your card after each use? With the JD Bank Mobile app, you can do both, and much more.

Send & Receive Money
Whether you are paying a bill, reimbursing a friend for lunch or moving money from one financial institution to another, the JD Bank mobile has you covered.

Set and receive alerts from the mobile banking app, so that you can keep track of expenditures and deposits, all in real time.
- Find nearest ATMs and branches
- Make bill payments – Must be enrolled in Bill Pay to access to this feature.
- Send or request money through the Zelle®* feature – Must be enrolled in Bill Pay to use Zelle.
- Make Mobile Deposits by using the camera on your smartphone or tablet, up to $2,000 a day.
- Manage debit card controls and risk through the “Manage My Cards” feature* Controls available include: – Completely block debit card usage, location limits, transaction amount limit and merchant limit.
- Multitasking users can navigate out of the app for up to one minute and return to app without having to re-log in.
Mobile Banking is a mobile banking and payments application you can use to access your account information quickly and easily from your iPhone, Android phone, iPad, and soon to be Tablet. Services include:
- Check your account balances
- Review recent account activity
- Transfer money between accounts
- Pay bills
- Find ATM and branch locations
- Mobile Deposit Capture
Mobile Banking is available to any personal or business account client who has an iPhone, Android phone, or iPad and is enrolled in Online Banking.
You must be registered with JD Bank for Online Banking as you will need your online banking user name and password to login. As a personal or business account client, just download the JD Bank app from the Apple’s App store or Android’s Play store on your mobile or mobile computing device. Your Online Banking login credentials will be required along with a challenge question. Once these steps are completed, you are now ready to use Mobile Banking.
To ensure the safety and privacy of your account information, we incorporate multiple security features.
- All transactions are encrypted.
- No personal or financial information is stored on your device
Mobile Banking is currently available for smartphones, iPads 5th generation Version 11.0 and Android 5.0 or above.
If you have an smart phone model prior to IPhone 5S / iOS Version 11 and Android OnePlus 6T / Version 6.0, you will not have access to mobile banking.
In order to enable some features available through Mobile Banking, the application may need to access the following on your device:
- Location services – This allows Mobile Banking to search for ATM/Branch results that are relevant to your current location.
- Camera – This allows you to use the Mobile Deposit Capture feature
Mobile Banking is available to any personal or business account client who has a smartphone or iPad and is enrolled in Online Banking and Mobile Banking.
There is not a fee associated with Mobile Banking.
All checks deposited in a consumer account must be endorsed with the following:
- Back of check: Your signature
All checks deposited in a non-consumer account must be endorsed with the following:
- Back of check: Business Name
The endorsement requirements listed above, along with standard check completion requirements are required for ALL checks to successfully be accepted through the Mobile Deposit feature on the JD Bank Mobile App. Standard check completion requires the following fields be completed accurately and entirely: Date / Dollar Amount (numerical) / Payee Endorsement / Pay to the Order Of / Dollar Amount (written)
Mobile Deposit Capture allows clients to deposit checks quickly and easily from an iPhone, Android phone, or iPad into a deposit account. Using the camera function on your device, you take a picture of the front and back of your check.
Convenience is the major benefit for this service. Mobile Capture allows you to make a deposit at any time.
Mobile Deposit Capture is available to any personal or business account client who has an iPhone, Android phone, or iPad and is enrolled in Online Banking and Mobile Banking.
There is not a fee associated with Mobile Deposit Capture.
If you are already accessing Mobile Banking on your iPhone, Android phone, or iPad, then you may currently access the Mobile Capture feature by selecting the Deposit Menu item once you log in to your Mobile Banking. If you do not see the Deposit feature in Mobile Banking, then please call your local branch to have the service activated. If you are not currently accessing Mobile Banking, just download the JD Bank app from the Apple’s App store or Android’s Play store on your mobile or mobile computing device. Your Online Banking login credentials will be required along with a challenge question. Once these steps are completed, you are now ready to use Mobile Banking.
Checks made payable to you drawn on a bank within the United States can be deposited through Mobile Deposit Capture. The following types of checks cannot be deposited through Mobile Deposit Capture and must be presented within a branch office:
- Federal Government Checks (i.e. Treasury Check)
- Money Orders
- Traveler’s Checks
- Savings Bonds
- Bank Drafts
- Remotely Created Checks
- Convenience Checks
- Temporary/ Starter Checks
- HELOC Access or Credit Card Cash Advance Checks
- Cashier/ Official Checks not drawn on JD Bank
- Comdata Checks
- Others listed in JDMobile Remote Deposit Capture Service Agreement at
You may make a mobile deposit by logging in to Online Banking through the App on your mobile or mobile computing device.
- Select Deposits menu item
- Select New Deposit
- Select the account to deposit the funds to
- Enter the deposit amount of the check
- Select Continue
- Take a picture of the front and back of the check (after each image is taken, you may select Use Photo or Retake). Hold device flat above the check and keep all four corners visible.
Only one check per deposit is allowed.
Once you select the account to deposit the funds to, the mobile app will display the volume of checks you are allowed to deposit on a daily and monthly basis. Please note that different accounts may have different volume limits based on your previous account history.
No. Deposit limits are set based on account activity and prior history.
You may verify your item was submitted by viewing the Deposit History details on the App.
Deposits are made available generally within the two (2) business days. You may review your account history to verify the item has posted to your account.
After you verify that we have received and accepted the item, as reflected by the “Delivered” icon located directly to the left of the “Deposit History” details on the App, and after you verify that the item has posted to your account, you must securely store the original check for 5 business days after transmitting the image to us. Promptly after the 5-day period expires, you will destroy the original check by first marking it “VOID” and then destroying it by cross-cut shredding or another commercially acceptable means of destruction.
Delivered – Your item has been reviewed and processed and you may review your account history to verify the item has posted to your account. Rejected – Your item was rejected. You may 1) Review for cause and make necessary correction(s) or 2) Bring the item to any branch office for review/ deposit Submitted – Your item has been submitted but has not been posted to your account at this time. You may check Deposit History at a later time to review your deposit status. Pending – Your item is under review and has not been accepted at this time. You may check Deposit History at a later time to review your deposit status. Other – Your item has not been accepted, rejected, or reviewed at this time. You may check Deposit History at a later time to review your deposit status.
Please contact 1-800-789-5159 or any JD Bank branch.