JD Bank Press Release Jennings

JD Bank Hires Ann Barilleaux As Vice President Marketing Director

JENNINGS, La. – JD Bank is pleased to announce and welcome Ann Barilleaux as Vice President Marketing Director. Barilleaux is an experienced marketing professional in Louisiana with a proven record of facilitating growth, building long-term relationships with customers and businesses and developing community outreach. She arrives at JD Bank after serving as a Marketing Consultant […]

JD Bank Agricultural Loans

Agricultural Loans Let’s Grow Louisiana Together JD Bank – A Louisiana Agricultural Lending Resource JD Bank will always have a strong understanding of rural communities and the needs of those in the agricultural industry. We have decades of experience helping farmers, ranchers and others in the agricultural business. We customize land and farm loans, equipment […]

Test Basic Checking

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Google Pay

Google Pay Say hello to a better way to pay, by Google. Fast, simple checkout. Easy access to rewards and offers. One spot for purchases, passes, and payment methods. All of these are ways we’ve been working to make paying safer and easier for everyone, everywhere. And you can make the most of these features […]

Samsung Pay

Samsung™ Pay Turn your phone into your wallet. Welcome to Samsung™ Pay for JD Bank’s NEW Mobile Wallet. Paying in stores or within apps has never been easier or safer. Gone are the days of searching for your wallet. The wasted moments finding the right card. Now you can use your credit cards, store credit cards, […]